

Develop Deep Understanding

If you're passionate about solving society's most pressing problems, then consider studying 博天堂官方经济学. We'll help you build the foundation you need to look at issues such as poverty, unemployment and inflation from a logical, analytical angle.

You'll use traditional and contemporary economic tools and concepts, as well as theories and quantitative analysis, to understand real-world problems.

In addition, the faculty and staff in the Department of 经济学 work with the outside community and provide services such as economic analysis, economic content training for teachers, and scholarly contributions to the external academic community.


Department of 经济学

电子邮件: 经济学@ligalocalvaldepenas.com

Dawit Senbet



8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

经济学 Concentrations

The concentrations within the Department of 经济学 allow students to align their undergraduate economics degree more closely with their career interests and/or graduate 学校的愿望. In addition to the traditional Bachelor of 艺术 degree in economics that they can still choose, UNC students can now earn a Bachelor of 艺术 in 经济学 with the following concentrations:



Work as a business economist or enroll in graduate business programs.

Enviornmental 经济学 

Environmental 经济学

Pursue interests in environmental and sustainability issues.

国际 经济学 

国际 经济学

 Bring your skills and expertise to the diplomatic service (typically as an economic attaché) or to multilateral economic organizations.



Focus on statistical analysis, market analysis, and critical thinking to forecast in business and institutional environments.

经济学...it's much more than you think

Watch this video from the American Economic Association on why getting a degree in economics is useful to all individuals and can lead to many interesting career choices. Hear insights from four diverse individuals on how a background in economics provided them with tools for solving very human problems.


学生 Recognized at 2024 Honors Convocation

2024年经济. 荣誉学生

经济学 students Brooke Alameddin, Khalil Bhanji, Jack Gee, Yovahn Quinones and Michael Serna were recognized at the 2024 Honors Convocation ceremony in Frebruary for excellence in their program. 祝贺你 to these students!

ECON 395: The Developing World and Globalization (3 credits) 

2019 Summer Ethiopia Trip 

Dr. Senbet recently conducted a faculty-led study abroad course in Ethiopia. 11 students participated over the course of three weeks. The course emphasized on the challenges that developing countries face in the 21st century, with first hand real life experience in Ethiopia. We are planning to conduct this course every two years. 看看这些旅行 照片!

教师 Recognized For Excellence in 建议 and Service

dawit senbet

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences recently recognized outstanding faculty 整个大学. Dr. Dawit Senbet was awarded the Excellence in Service and 建议 Award. 祝贺你!

经济学 教师 in the Media

经济学 and Environmental and 可持续性 Studies Professor 马克Eiswerth was 面试 科罗拉多州的独立的 article, "PARCHED: As hundreds of thousands of people move to Colorado, a critical water supply report is years behind schedule," where it discusses the water supply 在科罗拉多州.





经济学教授 马克Eiswerth seeks solutions to complex - and sometimes contentious - environmental issues by considering human values and motives.

I try to teach [students] a little bit about how to facilitate a discussion among people with competing interests..."


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